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Start On 3rd July 2023
Duration 1 Month
Mode of Instruction Onsite
Primary Level 5 - 10 years
Secondary Level 11+ years
Fee Rs 9,000/-

Course Overview

Development Areas

Understanding Basic Engineering Concepts

The WeDo 2.0 kit allows students to build and design various models using LEGO bricks and motors. Through hands-on construction, students learn about simple machines, gears, pulleys, levers, and other engineering principles.

Developing Coding and Programming Skills

The WeDo 2.0 software provides a visual, block-based programming interface that enables students to create interactive behaviors for their models. Students learn the basics of coding and sequencing by arranging blocks to control motors and sensors, fostering computational thinking skills.

Enhancing Problem-Solving Abilities

The WeDo 2.0 projects often involve challenges or tasks that require students to think critically and problem-solve. Students learn to identify issues, brainstorm solutions, and iterate their designs to overcome obstacles or achieve specific objectives.

Promoting Logical Thinking and Sequencing

As students program their models, they develop skills in logical thinking and sequencing. They learn to break down tasks into smaller steps, understand cause and effect relationships, and organize instructions in a logical order to achieve desired outcomes.

Encouraging Collaboration and Teamwork

The WeDo 2.0 kit can be used in group settings, fostering collaboration and teamwork among students. Working together, they learn to communicate ideas, share responsibilities, and combine their skills to complete projects and solve challenges.

Cultivating Creativity and Innovation

The WeDo 2.0 kit provides students with opportunities to be creative and innovative. They can customise their models, experiment with different designs, and explore alternative solutions to problems, encouraging imaginative thinking.

Stimulating Scientific Inquiry

The WeDo 2.0 projects often incorporate science-related themes, allowing students to investigate and explore real-world scientific concepts. Students can conduct experiments, make observations, collect data using sensors, and analyze results, promoting scientific inquiry and curiosity.

Enhancing Spatial Reasoning and Motor Skills

Building models with LEGO bricks requires spatial reasoning skills and fine motor control. Through constructing and manipulating physical objects, students develop their spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination, and dexterity.

Fostering Perseverance and Resilience

The WeDo 2.0 projects may involve trial and error, requiring students to persevere through challenges and setbacks. They learn to troubleshoot problems, iterate their designs, and persist in finding solutions, fostering resilience and a growth mindset.

Encouraging Interdisciplinary Learning:

The WeDo 2.0 kits can be integrated into various subject areas, such as science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and even language arts. This interdisciplinary approach allows students to make connections across different fields of knowledge and understand the real- world applications of STEM concepts.


Primary (5-10 YEARS)
Each class will be starting from level one of the Wedo 2.0 Lego kit for robotics where students will learn a basic programming language of Scratch.


  • Level One
    Introduction to Robotics and Programming languages.


  • Level Two
    Introduction to Wedo 2.0 kits and the parts, working on the kits and students making the bots and coding it with the help of Instructors.


  • Level Three
    Students working on the kits and students making the bots and coding it without the help of Instructors.

Secondary (11-15 YEARS)

  • Bristle Bot/Art Bot
  • Light Following Bot
  • Robotic Hand
  • Simple/Basic Drone Making
  • Working on Arduinos in order to learn python programming language
  • Asking students to bring any broken object from home and make something out of it using circuit and machinery languages

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